Dinner time (the penguin whisperer?)

Good morning! I thought I would share with you some charming frames from one of the films I was inspecting last Friday. Quick disclosure: these photos were taken with my phone, as were the others from last week. I think they come out pretty good considering. Also, I’m an archivist, not a photojournalist.

This film was part of the Discovery Lecture series. This was Byrd’s second expedition to Antarctica in 1933-1935 in order to ascertain more of the continent’s geography. During this expedition, Byrd spent several months alone at Advance Base, a meteorological observatory about 100 miles inland from the base camp, Little America. Byrd describes his time there in the book Alone, an incredible read if you have the opportunity. The scene below, which is more about the penguins than Admiral Byrd, occurs in one of the last reels of the series, when the expedition is coming to a close.

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About polararchivesintern

Kristin MacDonough is a Texas born University of Texas baccalaureate and Moving Image Archiving and Preservation graduate student at New York University interning for the summer of 2012 with The Ohio State University's Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program. Say that five times fast. (I'm also an amateur science nerd and it appears I'm a big fan of universities.)